2015-16 Arts & Enterprise Fellows

Ariana Allensworth

Jayna Swartzman-Brosky

Summer Hiertzel

Rhiannon MacFadyen
Selected Readings
- Paradox of Art as Work NYT by AO Scott
- Everyone is a Creative: Artists as New Economy Pioneers by Angela McRobbie
- The State of Creativity: A Look into the Otis Report on the Creative Economy (video)
- Visualizing Your Business Model (video)
- Models of Open Innovation – Wikipedia
- Cultural Entrepreneurship by Arjo Klamer
- Our long tug of war in the arts by Diane Ragsdale
- Frameworks for Educating the Artist of the Future: Teaching Habits of Mind for Arts Entrepreneurship
- Models of Open Innovation – Wikipedia
- Creatives, Innovation, And Networks In Garage Punk Rock: A Case Study Of The Eruptörs
- What are the aims of direct subsidies to artists? In Jumper by Diane Ragsdale
- Ranks of the Gig Economy Swell with Mobile Workforce
- Embracing Being Hybrid The Freelancers Union
- CrossOver: How Artists Build Careers Across Commercial, Non Profit and Community Work
- How Artists Use Their Skills to Pay The Bill by Michelle Carlson
- Negotiating terms and setting precedents Art Practical
- How Musicians Really Make Music in One Long Graph by Derek Thompson
- New Business Models Future of Music Coalition
- Case for Change Capital in the Arts Nonprofit Finance Fund
- Birth and Death Rates of Arts and Cultural Organizations (ACOs), 1990-2010 Sustain Arts
- Art without Market, Art without Education: Political Economy of Art
The most visible examples of arts enterprises often employ traditional business and labor models. These models can reproduce oppressive power dynamics that prevent artists from accessing resources and opportunities they need to build and sustain their careers. In other words, in the traditional arts model, the gatekeepers are not artists; how can artists hold their own keys?
We plan to interview and report out about a number of arts enterprise related case studies. In doing so, we hope to answer some of our key questions and delve into topics of interest. The project will combine research, active listening, and the creation of a creative, accessible resource for the arts community in the Bay Area. We hope to empower those who are seeking to become or further their endeavors as an artist entrepreneur.
Have resources or questions for us? Please email fellowship(at)emergingsf(dot)org and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you want to apply for the next Fellowship cohort, please sign up for our newsletter for updates and upcoming deadlines.