Join us! Emerging Arts Professionals San Francisco Bay Area and our community partners present Emergence 2022: Models for Change. Emergence, the annual convening of the EAP network, provides a collaborative platform for Bay Area arts & culture workers to connect, share ideas, and elevate their work and voices. This year we explore the models, both old and new, that we want to move toward now for a more human-centered, sustainable, and equitable arts & culture field.
Emergence 2022: Models for Change
June 6, 7, 8 online
+++ Registration is $20 – $125 at +++
+++ Equity Investment: Emergence 2022 will center the experiences and needs of BIPOC arts & culture workers. Therefore, we offer an equity discount of 40% for any attendees who identify as a BIPOC Arts & Culture worker. Use promo code BIPOC365. +++
+++ No one turned away for lack of funds: We got you!! Sliding-scale tickets are available by request via this short form: +++
Join Emergence 2022: Models for Change, presented by Emerging Arts Professionals San Francisco Bay Area in partnership with Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area and Diamond Wave Monday, June 6th through Wednesday, June 8th, online
Equity is only possible when it’s baked into the systems that drive us—when leadership is shared, power is distributed for mutual benefit, and communities being served have autonomy over their culture, labor, and resources. The last few years have made clear the urgent need for the Arts & Culture field to move away from corporate frameworks that perpetuate inequities, toward models that are reflective of, and relevant to, the people and cultures it serves.
What models, new and old, are driving change by centering equity? Who’s voices are being centered and respected when solutions are being built and resources distributed? And how are we providing for resilience and sustainable leadership for those doing the work? What antidotes to oppression can we integrate into our systems and structures?
Join us, your fellow arts and culture workers, June 6,7,8, for Emergence 2022: Models for Change, to explore models we can implement now to move the field toward authenticity, equity, and liberation.
Emergence—the annual convening of the EAP network—provides a collaborative platform for Bay Area arts & culture workers to connect, share ideas, and elevate their work and voices. For our twelfth year of convening, we share how artists and organizations have pushed for and adopted models of shared leadership, mutual aid, and BIPOC-led programs, and explore how we can create more authentic and lasting change by integrating these models into our own cultural work.
About Emergence
Emergence is the annual convening of the EAP network of arts & culture workers and provides a collaborative platform for the Bay Area workforce to connect, share ideas, and elevate their work and voices. EAP is committed to curating Emergence as a participatory experience that encourages deep connections and inquiries that are omnidirectional through generations, career levels, business models, and disciplines. Our goal is for you to leave with actionable next steps, as well as tangible tools and a strengthened network to support your work.
Emergence is at the heart of Art Workers Week, which honors the culture, labor, and value arts and culture workers contribute to our Bay Area ecosystem and the many networks, organizations, and collectives who hold space and provide us with resources and connection.
- Opening by Kanyon Sayers-Roods (Ohlone & Chumash, artist, consultant)
- Keynote and award of recognition with Angela Mictlanxochitl Anderson
- Keynote performance by LOTUS BOY
- Sessions on wellness tactics for EDI work, collaborative leadership, BIPOC-led arts education, mutual aid and shared models in philanthropy
- Guest speakers including Katherin Canton, Kevin Seaman and Stephan McLeroy of Diamond Wave, funders and organizational partners from the Artist Adaptability Circles, EAP’s Cohort XI Fellows, and more!
- Six sessions over three days, plus topical happy hours
- Most events start at 11am , 1:30pm, and 4pm
- Complete schedule is forthcoming
Keeping our community in mind, we pivot our traditionally in-person event toward a different kind of space, experimenting with ways we can connect in virtual and/or socially-distanced formats.
Several talks, events, publications, and workshops will be hosted mostly via Zoom. See full schedule and registration for specific details.
With deep respect, EAP acknowledges that even in virtual space, our people, our work, and our network servers are on native lands and thank the indigenous people of the Bay Area who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
All times are Pacific Daylight Time
Mon, Jun 6
11:00AM–12:30PM : Opening Keynote by Kanyon Sayers-Roods & Award of Recognition with Angela Mictlanxochitl Anderson
1:30–3:30PM : A Call for Equity & Wellness with Fellowship Cohort XI
4:00–5:00PM : Q/T/BIPOC Arts Workers Support Happy Hour and Think Tank
Tue, Jun 7
11:00AM–12:30PM : Separate or Equal: Distributed Power and Co-Leadership Models
1:30–3:30PM : Museums as Sites of Culturally Responsive Arts Education
4–5:00PM : Micro-Org Happy Hour
Wed, Jun 8
11:00AM–12:30PM : Distributed Leadership in Action: Centralizing Trust through Artists’ Adaptability Circles
1:30–3:00PM : Keynote Performance by LOTUS BOY
* 4–6:00PM : Art Workers Week Event (external) with Cohort XI Fellows Reyna Brown: Building Anti-Racist Teaching Practices: a Workshop for Theater Educators [Free registration here]
6–8:00PM : Outdoor Closing Happy Hour at The Parkside
PLUS… Networking spaces on our dedicated Discord Server, collective resource library, and more!
- Kanyon Sayers-Roods
- Angela Mictlanxochitl Anderson
- Ernesto Sopprani
- Stephan McLeroy
- Eleanor Ajala
- Sharmi Basu
- Reyna Brown
- Michelle Lin
- irene faye duller
- Van Nguyen-Stone
- Lorena Landeros Garcia
- Katherin Canton
- Rhiannon Evans MacFadyen
- Katie Rainey
- Sedey Gebreyes
- Margaret Yee
- Rachel Anne Palicios
- Kevin Seaman
- Chris Evans
- Alma Leppla
- Tricia Rainwater
- Sketchnotes by Todd Berman